Kusuri Hydrogen Peroxide 6 % can be used for cleaning up the effects of potassium permanganate, after the use of potassium permanganate in the pond we are left with a thick looking brown stain to the water, which in some cases can take up to 6/7 days to clear.
The application of Kusuri Hydrogen Peroxide 6 % at 10 ml to 150 gallons of pond water will quickly act upon the potassium permanganate to clear the pond in a very short space of time so it becomes gin clear again.
Again this is only needed if you really can’t stand the sight of the residual brown staining of the water from the use of potassium permanganate.
If you get into a potassium permanganate overdose situation and the koi are looking really stressed the above dose will quickly neutralise the oxidising effects of potassium permanganate rendering a stressed koi, free from any adverse effects of a potassium permanganate overdose treatment.
Be warned hydrogen peroxide even after a single dose is deployed into the pond to neutralise potassium permanganate will still be resident for some three to four days after deployment.
I.E. if further potassium permanganate doses are required several days will be needed for Kusuri Hydrogen Peroxide 6 % to decay out of the pond, or it will quickly render potassium permanganate useless.
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