Colombo Vita Spray 500ml

10 in stock


10 in stock


Colombo Vita Spray is a fish food additive containing beneficial multi vitamins and trace elements.

Add Morenicol Vita Spray to your fish food when fish are recovering from illness or need to restore their condition.

Vita Spray contains an additive to help improve appetite to enhance acceptance.

Colombo Morenicol Vita Spray Dosage:
7 x spray (7 ml) per 100 grams of fish food.

Colombo Vita Spray Application:
Take the quantity of food you can feed in one day and weigh it. Spread out the food and spray Vita-Spray on to the food at the correct dosage to weight ratio. Let the food dry for several hours and feed the same day.

Vita Spray Storage:
Refrigerated storage improves shelf life.

Weight0.8 kg


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