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Aquaforte Impermax Pond Paint
£40.46 – £160.65
Aquaforte Impermax Liquid Pond Paint Aquaforte impermax is an ideal liquid rubber pond liner suitable for a host of situations and surfaces that is simply painted on. The product is based on polyurethane (drinking water approved according to EEC directive 98/83/CE) and provides a smooth, seamless membrane. The finished membrane
Aquaforte Impermax Paintchlore
£205.40 – £902.79
Impermax Paintchlore Transparent (chlorine resistant) can be painted over an existing Impermax layer to make this chlorine resistant, or you want to repair a leak to other existing (swimming pool) tiles or (swimming pool) film. Since the normal Impermax Liquid film is not chlorine resistant. Impermax 2 kg per m² general description:
G4 Pond Sealer Black & Clear
£35.99 – £718.88
G4 Pond Sealer G4 Pond Sealer is a moisture cured polyurethane which forms a non-porous seal on concrete rendered ponds, G4 pond sealer uses the moisture in the air and the render to harden, G4 pond sealer can be applied to slightly damp surfaces, but it is important that the
Gold Label Pond Paint
£66.04 – £207.22
This unique paint is designed to effectively seal and re-paint the concrete lining of your pond. It works using only 2 coats (on smooth surfaces) without needing primer, and as it is water based can be applied to damp surfaces. This means it is also less toxic than traditional pond
Impermax Geomax Geotextiel 30cm x 100m
Geomax Geotextiel reinforcement. A special nonwoven, made of synthetic fibre, specially developed for use in conjunction with Impermax (and its elasticity). This is optimally suitable for places (eg corners, gaps, floor drains) where increased protection is necessary. This cloth minimizes the effect of self-distribution of the product and thus ensures
Impermax Humidity Primer 5kg
It is not recommended to apply Impermax Aqua membrane directly on surfaces which may contain moisture or on damp surfaces, or humidity content, either on the surface or trapped underneath. Humidity creates two important problems in treatments: Lack of adhesion. The appearance of blisters in the surface of the finished
Impermax PU Primer 4kg
The PU primer serves as a primer for very smooth and non-porous surfaces such as ceramics, tiles, metal, plastic, etc. and thus ensures better adhesion between the existing surface and Impermax. If the waterproof surface is very smooth and non-porous (e.g. ceramic, tile, aluminum, etc.) it can happen that the
Impermax Pur Cat 1 Litre
Impermax Pur Cat needs to be added to impermax and the curing time between coats can be reduced to 2 to 3 hours. Pur Cat Impermax Accelerant must also be used when installing at temperatures below 5°C. Application method: 1kg of Pur Cat Impermax Accelerant should be added and mixed
Impermax Solvent 4KG
Impermax Solvent is ideal in situations when porous materials such as cementing, masonry etc… it is recommended to apply a first layer of Impermax diluted with the solvent in a proportion of 5 to 10%. When the porous materials are saturated, it is then possible to apply the liquid membrane